Using The A10 D Aircraft Kit To Build Your Own Ultralight Airplane
If you have dreamed of flying your own aircraft but have shelved the thought for want of funds, it would be a good idea to revive your dreams and have a look at the variety of aircraft building kits that are available at nominal prices in the market. Maybe there is some little aircraft out there waiting to be your own.
One of the best affordable ultralights you can build is the A-10D airplane. It has a cruise speed of 60 mph; a range of 300 nm; seats one and it takes about 100 hours for a beginner to build.
So which A10 are we talking about? All A10s are essentially the same. The D models may differ because of the fiberglass pod or podsterior and fiber glass trim pieces. The D models also have an electric start which is not present on the B and so on. These are only cosmetic differences between the airplanes. The innards of the plane are the same.
What's In The Kit?
The kit will have the inboard wing, the two outboard wings, two rudders, two stabilators in a semi-assembled condition. It will also contain the tubes for the cage assembly. These tubes will be predrilled or pre-bent and all that needs to be done is to put them together with the instruction manual or video that comes with the box. Of course the kit will also contain the wheels, axles, brakes, instruments and everything that your plane needs. However, you will need to equip yourself with the rivets and you will have to familiarize yourself with the assembly process by watching the video or reading the manual several times.
Assembling The Kit
First Steps:
To reiterate, you will have to watch the video several times and read the manual again and again till you are familiar with the steps. When you feel confident that you know the process, spend some time looking at the different parts in the box and figuring out how they fit into each other. This is not very different from assembling Lego pieces that entertained our childhood. Take your time about this, as it will make your job easier and more fun as you go along.
Next Steps
Fit the wings together. There is a rudder hinge assembly that is attached to the outboard wings and that is where the process begins. Now position the wheels under the completed wing. Assemble the cage as per instructions with all the bolts loose so that you can fit them to your wing without stress. Now tighten the wing attach points, then move on to tightening the bolts on the first part of the cage.
Now pause awhile and study what the engine mount looks like. The supports will be designed to mount the engine you want to use with your plane. The engine will be tucked into the mount and occupy very little space. However, it is important to understand that weight and balance can make a lot of difference to the feel of your aircraft after assembly. So it may be a good idea to watch the video once more at this point or refer to the manual before proceeding.
Now you can go ahead and install the wheels, brake assemblies, seat, fiberglass pod, instruments and other parts of your plane.
The process is so simple that you will have fun doing it. Of course it will be a lot of hard work but the creative in you can be unleashed without fear. You will have an A10 ultralight airplane that you can be proud of!
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User comments:
D JOHN FARE at Mar, 27 '08 03:47
I really like this article. It is very straightforward. However, I was aware that the owner of the A10 design (who had purchased a military "silo" to house his entire kit-making production) had gone out of business.
Please inform the reader if and where this design can actually be purchased, if you know.
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Bob at Apr, 17 '08 16:03
Hello John,
Here is Mitchell Wings' site. I don't see A10D there, but maybe if you inquiry them they will give you some ideas.
I found an article on Ultralight News here which says you can find a second hand A10 kit on the classified sites.
Hope that helps a little bit.
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brandon at Aug, 23 '08 19:46
ok so i am only 13 and i one't to fly but i am to yung and i have thought about building it anyway buy i can't and i am going crasy cuz i can't fly buy i am a fair pylet can i have some help
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Morghan at Feb, 01 '09 03:25
Brandon, I would suggest a flight sim, as ultralight craft are most likely out of your reach financially. I too am 13, and wish to fly, but I know it will be a while yet. You said that you were a fair pilot , how do you know this? If it is because you were able to fly in a real plane, then I would suggest doing that again; however, if you meant that you were a crack pilot on your R.C. plane, I would suggest an amazing product called "reality
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George at Jun, 01 '09 03:28
Yes. A really good simulator is microsoft flight simulator X. this version has a air creation trike
that I fly al the time. love it!!!!
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Pop Emil at Aug, 15 '09 23:23
To the 13 years old dudes:
You might be amazed, but once upon the time I was 13 too, now my son is 15... Damn it, the time flies!
Start building your dream in bits.
Bit one know what you are doing (so down to reading boys!)
Bit two, get familiar with tools and procedures, so build and fly some models, in the begining purchase the kits and asembly, later design yourself, build it from scratch, try it, crush it, corect it, re crash it, and so on until you get a perfect flight out of your own design.
Here is where you STOP and THINK, What was it wrong, how did I corrected it, how does it fits with the Martian language they speack in aviation engineering books I read and (never) understood!
When you are done with this (not easy proces thou, write your thoughts, later you might come back to understand better), than;
DESIGN YOUR FIRST FLIGHT MACHINE, maybe you will be already 15 by then.
Build it from scratch, and test it with someone who knows what they are doing (you might be 18 by then) and take some flight lessons yourself.
Should the guy suggest modifications, try them out. And when it flyies smooth, enjoy the ride in your baby!
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Zach at Oct, 08 '09 01:43
You say build this from scratch yet would that not cost more in the end then then to buy a kit? Yes i know you probalble get parts over time but then parts break and spend more money on anew part. With a kit you have everything and you could get a really cool kind.
But then theres another thing you forgot, the FAA. Do you really think they or the police would really let you just fly a plane? I know i guy who almost died becuase he built a ultralight and then went and flew. he had no license and flew into a house and killed a teen. I might be only 15 but i also want to fly. thats why i would join the Air Force AROTR and then finsh the four yrs and then you will all the money you need to just by a already built plane.
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Akshay karmalkar at Jan, 20 '10 09:58
plz tell me about its cost & from where i can purchase the material in india & what type of engine is required? i want to make my project on that for my last year of engineering. can u help me for that?
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Anthony Karanovich at Apr, 13 '11 12:36
Zach you do not need a pilot liscence to fly an ultralight aircraft. You are however required to have your aircraft inspected before you will be able to fly. Also most airports require you take a small safety course before flying. As for joining the airforce good luck with that, cause your grades must be extemely high and you must have 20/40 vision. Joining the sevice for such petty things is not very mature. Also you must think even getting money from them you still are going to have to pay for several bills and that does not include food.
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Mike at Sep, 10 '11 15:26
I am a qualified aerospace engineer with years of educationa nd work experience on assebling, repairs and maintenence o light aircrafts.
I am currently avaialble in Vancouver Bc or Lower Mainland area to assist kit builders in assembling their ultraligths at a reasonable hourlt rate.
I have a complete tool kit required for aircraft and ultralight assembly and repairs.
I hope to hear from you if you are located in Vancouver BC or Lower Mainland area and having difficulties or time shortage in assembling your aircraft.
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Hilario Melo at Sep, 29 '11 12:52
Boa Tarde !
Ser? que os Senhores n?o teria uma planta, de constru??o r?pida, biplace, que n?o pegue vento, com motor de auto, que pouse em qualquer lugar, para gente velho. Obrigado!
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Aiyanah at Dec, 17 '15 15:54
Both my boys were taught the TYTTR prgmraome. James had 2 years and when he finished pre school, he was reading at level 4. Hugh has been doing the prgmraome for his 4 years of pre school, since he was 20 months old. Now, the end of term 3 the year before he goes to school, he is reading at level 6 (niether boy has had additional reading tutoring). My boys have benefitted greatly from the prgmraome and loved doing it. When I knew they have been doing reading at pre school, I ask about it but they say they haven't been learning to read they don't even realise, because they've had fun doing it! It's done great things for their confidence to be able to read before they start school one less stress at the time!When I asked Hugh what he thinks of the prgmraome, he said he loves it he loves learning the alphabet so he can learn the letters and how they sound. He saw the picture of the set on the computer and asked if we can please get one!
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